Orthopantomogram x-ray ( OPG ) examination for full mouth examination
OPG film provides broad coverage of facial bones and teeth which cause radiation dose OPG is useful as an diagnosis tool for the following:
• Dental implant treatment planning : Bone height and width evaluation including involved structures such as sinus cavity and nerve.
• Orthodontic assessment. pre and post operative
• Caries detection especially in the inter-dental region.
• Impacted wisdom teeth Diagnosis and treatment planning
• Periodontal bone loss and periapical involvement.
• Finding the source of dental pain
• Tempero mandibular joint dysfuctions and ankylosis
• Diagnosis of developmental anomalies such as Cherubism, Cleido cranial dysplasia
• Carcinoma in relation to the jaws
• Diagnosis of osteosarcoma, ameloblastoma, renal osteodystrophy affecting jaws, hypophosphatemia,
• The most common use is to determine the status of wisdom teeth and trauma to the jaws.