ILUMA V-Works™ |
ILUMA V-Works™ and ILUMA V-Implant™ software are powerful 3D medical imaging and surgery simulation programs using CT and MR data.
ILUMA V-Works™ Features :
- Patient/Study database/PACS interface
- MIP, Mini IP, Ray Sum rendering
- Surface rendering
- Surgery simulations
- Volume rendering with image presets
- MPR, oblique and curved oblique images
- Image and ciné capture
- Output to Dicom 3 file formats
- Cepholmetric Restorations
- Panoramic Restorations
Volume Rendering :
ILUMA V-Works has a pre-defined volume rendering preset. Users can produce volume rendered images by selecting a preset with the most similar image to the one desired.
MPR & Oblique Images :
ILUMA V-Works supports arbitrary oblique as well as traditional MPR (Multi-Planar Reconstructed) images.
Powerful Segmentation :
ILUMA V-Works designates different anatomical features by using color-coding to separate parts from the whole image. Segmentation may also be utilized to represent differences in the density of anatomical features.
Surface Rendering :
ILUMA V-Works can reconstruct a surface model from segmented objects. In the Surface Rendering Mode, multiple surface models can be rendered simultaneously or superimposed.
Measurements on 2D & 3D :
ILUMA V-Works allows accurate measurements of length, width, depth and volume to prepare treatment plans and surgical simulations.
Surgery Simulation :
ILUMA V-Works supports predefined surgery presets for mandibular surgery. By selecting one of these presets, the user can easily define, cut and simulate surgery.
In cases where there are no matched presets, the clinician can define his own cut plane and cut the object manually. |