Single Tooth Abutment Indications :
- Single-unit implant restorations with limited interdental space
- Cement-retained
NobelProcera Titanium Abutment :
- All indications
- Individualized abutment design for superior esthetics
- For Nobel Biocare implants and other major implant systems
- Exceptional strength
- Miled from a solid monobloc
- Unlimited emergence profile (5-axis milling)
NobelProcera Zirconia Abutment :
- All indications
- Cement-and screw-retained restorations
- Individualized abutment design for superior esthetics
- For Nobel Biocare implants and other major implant systems
- Strong and biocompatible
- In four shades: white, light, medium and intense
NobelProcera Titanium Abutment

NobelProcera Zirconia Abutment
1. Impression
- Place the Impression Coping Implant Level onto the implant and make an implant level impression.
- Connect the healing abutment or temporary restoration and send the impression to the laboratory.
2. Laboratory procedures A model is made, the abutment is modified if
necessary, and a restoration is made.
Alternatives :
- NobelProcera Crown veneered with dental ceramics
- Conventional crown
3. Abutment connection
- Remove the temporary restoration. Ensure that the implant platform is free from any soft tissue or bone remnants.
- Connect the abutment and tighten the screw using the Screwdriver Unigrip.
- A radiograph can help to confirm accurate seating of the abutment.
- Tighten the abutment screw to 35 Ncm using the Manual Torque Wrench Prosthetic and Screwdriver Machine Unigrip.
4. Cementation of final restoration
- Block out screw access hole.
- Cement the restoration using temporary cement or final cement. The restoration should be in light occlusion and excursive contact should be minimal.