e.max Ceram

IPS e.max Ceram is a nano-fluroapatite layering ceramic.
Can be layered on all e.max components including high strength glass ceramic and zirconium oxide.
Predictable results regardless of the substructure material used since it can be layered on all IPS e.max components.
Can be layered on most commonly used zirconium oxide substructures.
Indicated for layered veneers. |
e.max CAD

High strength glass-ceramic block for superior esthetics.
Indicated for single unit anterior and premolar substructures.
Suitable for implant superstructures for single tooth restorations.
Absence of shrinkage that optimizes the fit of the restoration. |
e.max ZirCAD

Presintered, yttrium-stabilized zirconium oxide block for the CAD/CAM technique.
With a flexural strength of over 900 MPA, it offers a fracture toughness more than twice that of glass-infiltrated ceramics.
Ideal for high strength crown substructures.
Indicated for 3- or 4-unit bridge frameworks and inlay-retained bridges.
e.max Press

Pressable technology delivering the ultimate in fit, strength, and esthetics.
High strength glass ceramic ingot offering the greatest strength.
400 MPa flexural strength.
Indicated for fabricating single-tooth anterior and posterior crown substructures and 3-unit anterior bridges.
Suitable for implant superstructures for single tooth restorations. |
e.max ZirPress

Fluorapatite glass ceramic that offers outstanding lifelike esthetics.
Indicated for the press to zirconia technique which allows for the fit of a pressable ceramic while achieving high strength with the zirconia.
Ideally suited to either a cut-back technique or a fully anatomical technique. |